COVID-19 Preparedness Plan

Archive Authentics is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for all our workers [and customers].

To ensure we have as safe and healthy workplace, we have developed the following COVID-19 Preparedness

Plan in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Managers and workers are all responsible for implementing this

plan. Our goal is to mitigate the potential for transmission of COVID-19 in our workplaces and communities, and

that requires full cooperation among our workers [and] management [and customers]. Only through this

cooperative effort can we establish and maintain the safety and health of our workers and workplaces.

Management and workers are responsible for implementing and complying with all aspects of this

COVID-19 Preparedness Plan. Archive Authentics managers and supervisors have our full support in enforcing the provisions

of this policy.

Our workers are our most important assets. We are serious about safety and health and keeping our workers

working at Archive Authentics. Worker involvement is essential in developing and implementing a successful

COVID-19 Preparedness Plan. We have involved our workers in this process by Providing mask for all worker. Making sure they are practicing social distancing during work hours. Easy remote options if quarantine is required. Our COVID-19 Preparedness Plan follows Centers for Disease

Control and Prevention (CDC) and Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) guidelines, federal OSHA standards

related to COVID-19 and Executive Order 20-48, and addresses:

• hygiene and respiratory etiquette;

• engineering and administrative controls for social distancing;

• cleaning, disinfecting, decontamination and ventilation;

• prompt identification and isolation of sick persons;

• communications and training that will be provided to managers and workers; and

• management and supervision necessary to ensure effective implementation of the plan.